Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Assignment 17- Clifton Grady

One of my favorite film directors is Quentin Tarantino. Because someone in my life had not seen any Tarantino movies, we actually watched a few together recently so as to educate this person, so I will use two of those movie—Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds—to talk about this director. A hallmark or Tarantino’s movies is sensationalized violence. These movies, one about hitmen and one about Nazi’s in France during WWII, both depict this trademark of his quite well. Particularly, Pulp Fiction has shootings, car crashes and chases, and an overdramatized drug overdose, and Inglorious Basterds depicts sensationalized war violence, scalping, and one of the greatest depictions of Nazi slaughter in film (not going to apologize if I offended any Nazis). While Pulp Fiction looks at this violence and conflict through a more personal lens, Inglorious Basterds does so through a personal lens, but with more of an emphasis on the overarching conflict with Nazi Germany and the Allies having more of the conflicts be war driven rather than personal.

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