Monday, May 14, 2018

Assignment 24: Joseph Craven

    Junior year has been an indifferent year indeed. It lacks the interesting freshness and plenty of new friends from freshman, but the boring monotony of sophomore year has mostly disappeared. Overall, although my friendship with people from other schools has been slipping, I've grown closer to everyone at Henry Clay. I'm really glad that I've acquired my intermediate license, as it has given me far more daily freedom and has allowed me to get around far more easily. On the other hand, my junior year workload has sometimes seen unmanageable. Despite easily elective classes, my 4 AP classes have really stacked on top of each other and forced me to change my procrastination which was so prominent during sophomore year (I know, ironic considering I'm turning this in late). Aside from that, junior year has been easily my most consistent year so far, I'm just now getting a new job, mostly same friends all year, same interest, etc. This summer, I intend to have a successful job at Chick Fil A, travel to California again, do my eagle project for Scouts, hang out with friends more, and tour various colleges. Hopefully my actions I have taken over the past 3 years combined with a relatively fun and relaxed schedule will make senior year my best year of high school.

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