Sunday, October 15, 2017

Assignment 5- Clifton Grady

A society where the awards shows, such as the Emmy’s, receive so much attention seems, to me, a bit bizarre. Especially considering that this is the same society in which prestigious recognition for legitimate contributions to the human species, such as the Nobel Prizes, are quietly celebrated by few, unbeknownst to the bulk of the masses. We place our values in selfish desires, we want to be entertained. Slaves to “the industry,” actors and actresses tirelessly crank out the same washed up plot lines that viewers will fall in love with time and time again. Meanwhile, the innovators of the world who are producing new medicines, solving unsolved mathematical problems, making peace, and laying the groundwork for new discoveries beyond our scope of imagination, go without massive praise. Perhaps this isn’t by chance, though. Maybe, this is how things are designed to be. Although it may seem a bit counter intuitive to abstain from elevating the scientists and doctors and peacemakers and mathematicians and activists of the world to superstardom, maybe it is by design. Maybe these people simply want to help people, and not praise. Perhaps superstardom is faceted in the occupations it is due to people chasing those dreams for the fame, rather than a genuine care for the people they are serving. Perhaps it says well about our society, that the unsung heroes of the world are such for a reason- there are still people whose interest is vested in doing genuinely good things. Perhaps it isn’t so bizarre, after all.

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