Sunday, January 7, 2018

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets

Welcome to your first blog prompt for 2016! Yay!

A bucket list is a list of everything you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. That doesn't mean you can't have such a list for specific aspects of your life as well.

To begin the year, generate your own bucket lists - one for high school, one for college, and one for life. Then, write about the priority on each list.
  1. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish high school?
  2. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish college?
  3. What is the number one item on your bucket list before you finish living?
(This blog is inspired by Axel Liimatta - former academy teacher - my friend and former colleague that inspires me to live every day more fully)

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, January 21st  at 11:59 pm

February 11th is the last day to make up blogs 17-19

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